Home Culture Himalayan Pink Salt is a Scam including its name

Himalayan Pink Salt is a Scam including its name


Himalayan pink salt is a salt obtained from ancient sea salt deposits that originated in the Himalayas of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. It might have been discovered by Alexander the Great, but the credit of exploiting it should go to modern marketers.

Himalayan rock salt is extracted from the Khewra salt mine in Pakistan and not, as the name suggests, from the pristine Himalayan mountains. It is extracted from a rock salt deposit in the mountains of Pakistan, and the chemical composition is not much different from your average table salt.

The pink rosy salt that promises instant detoxification, weight loss, glowing skin (I stopped counting the gullible claims, aphrodisiac claims ? ) is a scam. The only thing this wonder salt can promise is a higher blood pressure similar to regular sea salt if used excessively.

If you like the color, or the packing use it just like any other salt. Himalayan salt does not contain enough calcium, potassium, and magnesium to make any difference to your health. If you use pink salt instead of table salt, those who are iodine deficient or have an iodine deficit need to get iodine from somewhere else.

With no clear health benefits, this salt is neither better, nor worse than any other salt, other than for the health of those marketing it with tall claims and making money with it.



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